For your Social Meida Page!
Where to buy Followers For your Social Meida Page!
Buying social media followers is a lucrative business that has been used by a wide range of public figures and organizations like Justing bieber, Katy perry, Miley cyrus, Drake, Coca-Cola, Audi, and even President Trump. Each of these companies have either been caught in the act or have fake or inactive followers.
In the event that built up people and brands are acquiring devotees, at that point you can just envision the what it resembles for bloggers, business visionaries, and entrepreneurs who are quite recently beginning out. While this blackhat system is oftentimes disapproved of, the pitiful truth is that it can really work on the off chance that you need to amass a lot of supporters in a brief timeframe
which is why it’s a multi-million dollar business. However, is purchasing more followers really worth it in the end?
The Benifits and the Downsides of Purchasing Social Media Followers
If you’ve been on the fence about buying social media followers, here the benefits and downsides of embarking on this shady journey.
The Benifts:
- A large social media following gives the impression that you’re important.
- Even though these are fake accounts, the amount of followers or fans that you have are real.
- A larger following will make others want to jump onto your bandwagon.
- Purchasing followers is a whole lot easier and cheaper than organically building a following.
- As mentioned earlier, a lot of other people and companies are doing it, so why can’t you?
- Buying followers harms your credibility.
- Fake followers don’t engage with your content.
- Fake followers won’t purchase your product or service.
- Actual reviews can be more important than the amount of followers you have.
- Blackhat territory is a breeding ground for hackers and cyber criminals.
- Social media channels like Facebook and Twitter have been cracking down on this practice.
To be perfectly honest, purchasing followers may seem like a horrible idea – or non ethical thing to do, but its what can help you boost your social media presence, its exactly what you need!
Where to Buy Social Media Followers
Here are a couple of places where you can purchase social media followers.
- eBay: Inc.com did an investigative piece that discovered for $35 you could purchase an existing Twitter page with 3,700 followers, must of whom were real people.
- SlickSocials: This service allows you to purchase followers or likes on Instagram or any thinkable social network starting at $0.99.
- Fast Followerz: This service makes the claim that you’re actually purchasing real and active social media accounts, or just likes if you want. It will cost you $4 for 100 Twitter followers.
- Buzzoid: This service delivers followers or likes on Instagram starting at $4.
- Fiverr: If search for “buy Twitter followers,” for example, you have hundreds of options to purchase a couple of hundred to a couple of thousand followers for just five bucks.
- Hypez: This is another site where you can purchase Instagram likes or followers.
- FollowerSale: The site makes the claim that you’re purchasing real and active Twitter followers.
- Buy Instagram Followers Panel: Another service that promises likes and followers with HQ profile pictures and activites.
- Rantic: While known for delivering Twitter followers, YouTube views, Pinterest services, Vine, Vimeo, or SoundCloud accounts a boosts.
Even though these sites claim that they’ll deliver real followers, proceed at your own risk. some might just not suite your exact needs!
Do not give anyone access to your social media accounts!. If they ask for your login information, proceed elsewhere. That’s just common sense.
Organic Ways to Get More Social Media Followers
If you really want to gain more social media followers, and avoid the damage that goes with purchasing followers, then follow these tried and trusted techniques.
General strategies like:
- Completely filling out your profile.
- Sharing a link to your profile via your other networks and via email.
- Including follow links and widgets on your blog or website.
- Adding your new social profile to your email signature.
Other organic strategies to attract social media followers:
- Reaching out to influencers using tools like Buzzsumo.
- Finding social media followers in your industry or niche.
- Sharing original and relevant content.
- Resharing or liking other people’s content.
- Responding and interacting with your audience.
- Hosting giveaways or contests.
- Being active. For example, you should share 1 to 2 posts per day on Facebook.
- Guest blogging on leading industry websites or blogs.
- Having your own voice to prove that you’re an actual person.
Gaining followers doesn’t happen overnight. It requires investment and smidgen of diligent work. Be that as it may, it’s justified, despite all the trouble on the off chance that you need to secure your image’s notoriety. Buying online networking supporters may appear like a sound thought at to begin with, yet there are an excessive number of circumstances where it can blowback and accomplish more mischief than great.